Cochl.Sense can add the hearing ability to healthcare devices and services such as medical applications, remote patient monitoring, and IP cameras. We deliver top-quality machine listening technology to solve issues and challenges in healthcare to make our daily life healthier.
With an internet connection, powerful, real-time sound analysis is available through our Cloud API without heavy computation power.
Cochl.Sense can be installed on home appliances, robots, smart speakers, or any IoT devices using our Edge SDK.
Check out how sound AI can bring disruptive change in the healthcare industry.
Cochl.Sense can monitor audio streams 24/7, so that patient monitoring can be done with a minimum number of people.
Cochl.Sense - Emergency Detection SDK processes it on the fly at a local device, not storing any data.
Sound contains important health-related information that can be jointly used with other information to add extra reliability.
Healthcare is extremely time-critical. Monitoring with Cochl.Sense enables faster response to potential health problems.
Healthcare Use Cases
The vast majority of hospitals and healthcare facilities rely on manual spot-checking methods to monitor patient status. These spot-checks, which require medical professionals to physically check on patients, occur every four to eight hours. This infrequent spot-checking leaves patients unmonitored for extended periods, and often fail to notice when emergencies happen. Through detecting sounds that indicate critical situation such as fall, screaming, and coughing, Cochl helps understand what is happening in the ward and sense the problems.
No matter how much we strive to make our domestic environment as safe as possible, accidents at home can still happen. For elderlies, over 60% of all falls occur in the home, 20% of which causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury. When children start to move around on their own, there is an increased danger of them pulling objects down and breaking things. When it comes to the health of our families, especially for those with young children, or elderlies, we want to be notified as soon as emergencies occur.
It is important to pay attention to symptoms that warn of serious health problems, because ignoring them may put patients’ lives at risk. However, it is not easy for individuals to recognize and assess changes in their symptoms. You might not even know you have a problem if your symptoms are active while you are asleep. Cochl helps to provide analytics and statistics for commonly observed health symptoms identify diseases like apnea or flu.
Supported sounds
Add a listening ability anywhere. Smart home to entertainment, bring disruptive innovation to your industry.
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