Machine listening technology for everyone. A next-generation
sound AI platform that understands any sounds like a human.
We hear various sounds in our daily life. However, the computer has not been able to understand it. Sound contains a critical information such as for safety, interaction, entertainment, machine monitoring, and healthcare, but its value has been extremely underestimated.
Based on our proprietary audio/ML technology, we made the ultimate sound AI system that understands “sound”, not just “speech”.
We provide our technology through both Cloud API and Edge SDK, which means that it can be deployed literally anywhere.
We are back-to-back winner of IEEE DCASE ’17 ’18, the most prestigious competition in the sound AI, also ranked first among 558 teams in Kaggle sound AI competition.
Cochl On-going
Cochl.Sense, a sound AI system that analyzes acoustic events in real-time.
Add a listening ability anywhere. Smart home to entertainment, bring disruptive innovation to your industry.
Cochl always on-line